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Tara Anna


What Clients Say

Tara Is an incredible healer. From the start of my first session with her, the environment was very soothing. It felt comfortable and safe. She guided me through a journey within myself. I noticed shifts in my body and aura as she was working on me. Emotions came up for me to look at that I had never dealt with before. I cried, laughed and just breathed. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. After the session I immediately felt different. I was lighter, calmer, and came back with much more clarity. That night I had the best sleep ever, I've had in awhile and continue to sleep better. Her work is extremely powerful. Her healing takes place even after the session, the integration process continues. In addition, she offers amazing advice and wisdom about self development and wellness. She is knowledgeable about a plethora of spiritual information. Overall I am grateful I found Tara's work and I know that anyone who invests into this business will have their lives impacted tremendously. If you want to change your belief systems, habits, and feelings to be more in alignment with your highest good, work with Tara!

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Erica Martin

I met Tara at Totality Festival, and I had just been physically injured with my dominant arm the night before, and was in deep and strong pain. She helped me to release that, though even more we experienced a next level healing. In another dimension. Really. She helped me remember my Sirian timelines. And connect even deeper to the rose and my middle eastern lineages from lifetimes before, and also as a womb priestess . She has a powerful healing presence and is such a gift. Thank you Sistar for your healing and magic in this world

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Rachelle Lansky

Working with Tara has changed my life in so many ways, she is a professional at what she does. I feel an instant soothing and loving presence when receiving healings from her. She is extremely connected to divine beings and her co creative, unified work with them is something I’ve never come across before. She’s shifted so many things for me monumentally, notably the massive heart opening she pulled me through (which id been struggling with for a long time), fallen masculine pain body clearings, soul aspect retrievals, as well bringing in a divine masculine partner for me. Her work is EFFECTIVE and she is an artist in this sacred craft. I’d highly recommend anyone who wants to see real shift to peer into her programs and individual sessions.
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Grace Crysdale

Tara is one of the most amazing healers I have met on my journey. Her timeliness & attention to pain sources are fine tuned and her multi-level healing is other worldly to say the least. The ankle trouble which had been hot and cold pain for many years I discovered was tied to a multitude of planes, at which point Tara was able to assist in verbalizing and making sense of why that area was so worn down and stressed for so long. One session was all I needed to help set the tone for a future full of exuberance and mobility. I am less anxious and more present thanks to her massage therapy and light healing practice today. Thank you!

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Wes Bryan

​I came to visit Tara at an outdoor venue. I saw her offering a session to someone and was immediately drawn in. I wasn’t aware of the healing that I needed, but when I walked up to her and asked if I could pay for a session, I knew I was in the right place. We discussed many of my fears, the grief embedded within me that exists down to my core, and through spiritual, physical, and emotional healing techniques I was in a trance like state. I felt elevated from my body and surrounded by the warmest and safest glowing orb I have ever known in my years of meditation and spirituality. Tara is an amazing healer and hope to work together again soon.
I trust Tara's knowledge and skills. I took Tara's Blue Rose Initiaiton Course and it was life changing. I instantly felt shifts of energy that followed me to this day. For example my menstrual cycle gave me NO PMS symptoms it was profound! If you are ready to change your life, Tara is your woman.
Tara does an amazing healing session. She initially spoke to me and really took her time in understanding who I was and what my situation was. She had a way of putting me at ease right away. Then she began her prayers and called in her helpers. I started to feel better almost right away as she did the prayers and also did the fieldwork on me. She helped me go very deep all the way to the core issues keeping me stuck. She has the most beautiful light language too that was amazing. She helped me clear and alchemize things that were very old as well as bringing in reassurance, trust and confidence that I needed at that time. She was so caring and thorough with everything. Wonderful work and I am so grateful.
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Jennifer Colton

Two weeks after doing Tara’s healing session where she cleared my energy of past relationships, I met someone and ended up in a deep relationship. She said it would probably happen and she was right! I also found Tara’s deep tissue massage incredibly healing. It brings up old stuff for you to purge, while working on your body and relaxing to the deepest level.

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Tara is professional, informing, and knowledgeable about her work. She helped me release a lot of negative energy that was within myself. Amazing healer.

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Hanna Czerr

I had a very powerful session with Tara and she helped me a lot. I had some issue with my breast and it’s went away. Tara is very friendly and I like how she is doing her mission.

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Karina Mirav

Tara's guidance and essence is powerful beyond measure. She has the ability to offer and transcend knowledge and wisdom in a way that you can receive, honor, and digest. I felt called to connect, even though I had not much prior knowledge of some of the language and lineage. The healing received was indescribable. Divine connections and releases are still unfolding and evolving. I feel so grateful for the support and sisterhood expansion as well as I continue to be of service.

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In my session with Tara she helped me start to deeply understand, process, and clear an long held emotional wound of mine that also manifested as a physical pain in my shoulder/neck area, a chronic pain I’ve dealt with for years. I’ve made so much progress lately in relieving myself of this burden, significantly less pain and more uncovering and clearing of the old program within me that manifested it. I’m so thankful for Tara’s field work and intuitive knowledge and witnessing me, I highly recommend going to her for emotional healing.

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Mary Alice

Tara’s Blue Rose Womb Clearing course is one of the most impactful courses I have ever taken. I took the course over a year ago for the first time and it helped remove an intense amount of cords from my past. It cleared the way for many different forms of abundance to enter my life. I took the course again for a second time on the 11/11 portal and I am forever changed. I connected so deeply to the White Rose template. Using this White Rose in meditation is something that continues to transform my life. I’ve been able to use it to identify and heal inner child wounds. You don’t take her course once and only gain a one time experience. Tara helps initiate you into lifelong tools which you can continue to use in your day to day life as well as the deep healing work you are doing. My experiences with this class have been invaluable on my journey. I highly recommend you take this class more than once. It allows you to understand how to properly work with the roses, as the first session removes so much and clears things out! Beyond the course, working with Tara is a delight. She is highly knowledgeable and openly shares from her own experiences. She is with you afterwards to answer questions and provide support. Above all else, she is a woman that strives to have the purest intentions in all that she does. I feel blessed to have connected with her and look forward to continuing to work with her in the future.

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Alicia Lazar

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Tel: 619-278-1293

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