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Northern Lights
Interview with Aaron Luminous Hearth

Aaron Fried is a luminary and lover of life’s divine mystery. He is a soulful advisor, energetic field guide and insightful mentor; a loving sacred union primer for women who are ready to meet their true beloved; and a compassionate educator who teaches about soulfully “real·ating” and spiritual realization. In his 1:1 work, he reflects and initiates others into the inspired teachings of their soul in order to unlock powerful breakthroughs and irrevocable spiritual transformation in their life. A divine messenger, Aaron  is adept at mending the heart and “caressing” the soul with his eloquent, energetically-charged, and touching words of wisdom that InSpirit the soul back to recognition. He is deeply devoted to anchoring consciousness within our collective hearth by advocating for the sage in you.


Specializing in helping those who are at a crossroads and seeking to get crystal clear and divinely directed in their life, Aaron assists conscious souls to discover their purpose, path and place in the world. Backed by his rigorous discipline in mathematics (M.A.) and physics (B.A.) that trained him early on to perceive and illuminate remarkable depth of subtlety with extraordinary levels of precision clarity, he is also a natural medium with claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, 10+ years of practical experience and 10,000+ hours of dedicated study in his unique, divinely inspired system of astrology and astrocartography.


In his work as a guide and educator, Aaron integrates awareness drawn from his diverse, unconventional background and experiences in natural and holistic wellness, yoga (RYT 200, Himalayan Institute), modern tantric intimacy (CTE Level 2, Source School of Tantra Yoga) and earth-rooted shamanism; yet he holds many of these teachings respectfully as second to his own inward, naturally emerging process of spiritual realization. His mission is lofty but profoundly dear to this hearth: “InSpirit Humanity—Enhearthen Our World.” To journey deeper with Aaron and receive free soulful writings, divinely inspired guidance or energetic updates from him regularly; or to book a session, check out (site still under partial reconstruction). Or email him at or find him on social platforms under the name ‘Aaron Luminous Hearth.’

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Spinner Dolphins

Interview with Maria Kramer

Rev. Maria Kramer is an ordained Interfaith Minister, Mystic, New Earth Unity Consciousness Teacher, dedicated  to healing the world to peace as  she guides others to awaken to the peace, love and joy they are within, remembering the truth of their being. She is an author of two books: "Prayers to Awaken Peace and Love and Co-Author of "The Chakra Journey",  Inspirational Speaker, Integrated Energy Therapy® Master Instructor  & Trainer, Usui Reiki Master,  Karuna Reiki Master, Hypnotist, Rising Star Healing and Prema Birthing Practitioner, Avesa Quantum Healer, EFT practitioner. Maria facilitates IET® certification classes, Angel classes and Self-Ascension Awakening to Truth events, Meditation, Remote Group Healing, Light~Language Healing Transmissions, Weekly  IET® support groups, Radical  Forgiveness, Presence and Empowerment workshops in person and online as well as a she enjoys a thriving global private practice.  Her passion is to Empower others to heal themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially as she inspire them to activate, align and live their soul’s purpose with ease, joy, fun and grace.


IET® is Healing with the Energy of Angels and uses the Angelic Violet Ray to get the Issues out of your tissues, clears your cell memory, karmic patterns in your energy field, activates your soul's mission, aligns, activates, attunes, optimizes your 12 Strand DNA to support you in living peace, love and joy. Maria began her journey with IET® in 2002, became an IET®, Master-Instructor in 2003 and IET® Trainer in 2012. Maria has an extensive IET® teaching record as a top Master-Instructor for years and enjoys teaching IET® to others. 


Contact info:



Spinner Dolphins
Sparkling Lights

Interview with Yvonne Perry

Yvonne Perry is a Nashville-based minister, metaphysical author, healing sound therapist, workshop facilitator, and galactic practitioner of light codes. Her celestial shamanic methods help people retrieve and reintegrate multidimensional soul aspects. She does this through her books, light language sessions, seminars, coaching, and other spiritual services.

In her one-on-one healing and activation sessions, Yvonne incorporates light language to help people shift into wholeness and integrate multidimensional aspects of their souls. She accesses the wise guidance of her higher self and non-physical beings of light to help people live an authentic life of wholeness.

Those who are ascending into purer consciousness will find comfort, information, and support to take the next step on this beautiful journey toward Home. Those who are having unusual paranormal experiences and seeking to make sense of these occurrences will resonate with Yvonne’s approach to integrating the higher self with the body and personality. She assists people with this process in the light language activations.

Living life to the fullest, Yvonne enjoys helping people discover a path of love and joy that comes from the knowledge we are all one with our Creator. She presents her spiritual gifts of compassion to those who are ready to let go of fear and fully embrace unconditional love.


Yvonne Perry is the author of these books:

Coach & Minister

Perry is a licensed minister through Universal Life Church. As a light language activator and celestial shaman, she offers coaching to empaths (highly sensitive people), walk-ins, starseeds, and those who are dealing with ascension symptoms.

More about Yvonne Perry . . .

For the first 40 years of her deeply southern life, Yvonne was enmeshed with the fundamental dogma of religion and lived according to the interpretation of the Bible her family, society, and church leaders taught her. Before she had a label to put on her empathetic ability, the Georgia native called herself an intercessor, carrying the burdens of others to the throne of grace. It was not uncommon for her to be locked away in her prayer room for half the day, singing, playing keyboards, writing worship songs, interceding, and laying in trance. While praying for others, she empathically took on their suffering until it severely challenged her emotional and physical health.

Four decades of operating as an untrained empath, while trying to fit the mold of a male-dominant, legalistic religion, which caused her to repress her true feelings, was met with an eye-opening mid-life crisis. The changes she began making took a toll on her co-dependent marriage, and after 22 years, divorce—a “non-Christian” act she had vowed never to participate in—became a harsh reality. Losing everything familiar and comfortable, she found herself homeless. By then, she had serious doubts God even existed and she questioned everything her religion had taught her. This was a good thing. She needed to heal not only from divorce, but also from religious addiction and this event—while it seemed horrible—was the catalyst for spiritual transformation.


Realizing how much of her time and energy had been given to religious activities, she became angry at the church for not accepting her prophetic gifts and refusing to help her through the worse time of her life. Things suddenly and totally changed when the soul in Yvonne’s body left and a new soul walked in. This is known as a soul exchange (a pre-incarnation agreement for starseeds to reside in a human form). Embracing a totally different path and belief system, she now openly uses the compassionate gifts she has been given.

Education and Experience

A graduate of American Institute of Holistic Theology, Yvonne holds a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics. During her five-year involvement with Toastmasters International, Yvonne earned the recognition of Distinguished Toastmaster Award for her exemplary speaking skills. She attained every level of accomplishment the organization offered as well as many awards in speaking competitions.




website :

Interview with Megan Couch

Megan is a spiritual leader, healer, coach, and warrior. She has over 24 years of corporate experience as a writer and leader, plus over ten years of martial arts training and 20 years of spiritual and energetic healing experience.

Megan is known as the Wise Warrior. She's been doing energy healing work since the early 2000s when she trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine practices with a Kung Fu grandmaster trained in the Daoist temples. She then expanded into Reiki, massage, and finally into Akashic Record readings, Multidimensional Energy Healing, and Quantum Healing. She also offers Human Design readings to help you understand yourself on a deeper level, along with how to apply that knowledge to your business and career.

"For many of those years, I was hiding in the shadow of corporate afraid to be seen as a healer and business owner. I am unapologetically coming out of the shadows to be a force of nature and will help you do the same."



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Tel: 619-278-1293

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