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Galactic Reiki

Medical Intuitive

  • 1 h
  • 333 US dollars
  • Via Zoom

Service Description

This modality works with a fire star template which goes into the cells, clears pain, distortion, programs, ancestral miasma, alien implants, disease, black magic. Creates incredible quantum shifts for all 4 body systems while upgrading DNA for vitality and health. Working closely with the Lyran & Arcturian Guardians, as well as an aspect of Sophia, the Holy Spirit and Feminine Christ Frequency. This session can be done in person, or distance (via zoom call). This session comes with a free 20 minute discovery call so I can see how best to run the energy for the session around specific beliefs and emotions you may hold in the body around what we are clearing.

Contact Details


Contact Me



Tel: 619-278-1293

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