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Womb Alchemy

men can also receive this session

  • 1 h
  • 333 US dollars
  • Via Zoom

Service Description

Womb, hara clearing can be one of the most transformational healings, as a lot of trauma is stored in the sacral, heart, and crown. In this session we are clearing disharmonious cords from the energy field working with the blue rose template. Which clears mental, heart, and womb cords, black magic, poverty consciousness, Dark Mother (Lilith) Dark Father (Azazel) imprints, Lunar/Saturn/persecution alien implants, imprints of past partners, death programming, superimposted karma, sexual/abortion trauma. Miscarriages from this lifetime and the past. Reptilian genetics if you have narcissistic parents/grandparents. The womb or hara for men will experience a regeneration of Sophianic magnetism. This healing also clears the pattern of attracting narcissistic partners, the false twin flame interface, as well as ancestral miasma. Assisting to anchor the inner union template in your higher heart. I also incorporate an Isis rainbow diamond template if your fields are showing you need extra support in clearing density through the process of alchemization. Turning your darkest pain into gems and treasures. This healing will create massive quantum shifts in your life. As well as making space for your true divine union partner. The other template I work with is a white rose template, which supports balancing the elementals in the body, alchemizing grief, and allowing more purification.

Contact Details


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Tel: 619-278-1293

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